I'm not back to my regular posting schedule,
but I thought I'd mention that next saturday, 9/19
I'll be a guest at the WINDY CITY COMICON.
If you're in the Chicago area on the 19th,
please stop in and say howdy.
My band THE FUGLEES will be playing the WCC afterparty
at a place called John Barleycorn on Clark Street.
This convention is gonna RAWK!
See you there.
Have fun and rip up the stage with the other Fuglees!
hey Andy! It was sweet to see you Saturday.
I wanted to write and tell you that I just read "Firebbreather", and firstly,IMO, there just ain't nobody who inks you as good as you do yourself, and without question, Bill Crabtree's colors on the series are a perfect fit. Between Phil and yourself, you've really come up with a story and characters that has a lot of legs and room to grow, and I really hope you guys get a chance to throw yourselves back into this again real soon!
I'm just going to keep on gushing and confess that I must have said "wow" a dozen or more times, primarily at how you throw so much weight and dynamism these characters and settings, but also any number of endearing moments that Hestor had written.
The whole damn thing just hit the spot to be perfectly honest :)
it was great to see you andy.
thanks for the kind words. :)
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